Remembering prof. Dr. Dragan Klaić
Within the side program of the 16th Kragujevac Joakimfest at October 14th at 12pm noon in the Princely Serbian Theatre, a panel discussion will be held entitled Remembering prof. Dr. Dragan Klaić.
Prof. Dr. Ivan Medenica – theatrologist, critic and artistic director of the BITEF festival, professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.
Nada Kokotović – director and choreographer – one of the founders of KPGT.
Participants to be included in the conversation via video feed – Prof. Dr. Milena Dragićević Šešić – Professor of Management in Culture and Theory of Mass Media, Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade and Head of the Department of UNESCO for Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade.
The interview is moderated by Branislava Ilić, dramaturge and playwright
Dragan Klaić, theatre historian and cultural analyst
He was a permanent associate of the Felix Meritis Association in Amsterdam and taught cultural policy and art at the Leiden University.
He completed his dramaturgy studies in Belgrade, and his doctorate in theatre history and drama criticism at Yale University in the United States. He worked as a theatre critic and dramaturge, was a professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade and the University of Amsterdam, and a visiting professor in America, Budapest and Bologna, the manager of the Netherlands Theatre Institute from 1992 to 2001, a co-founder of the European theatre quarterly Euromaske.
His books and works were published in the former Yugoslavia prior to 1991, but also in Great Britain, America, the Netherlands and Norway. He was also hired as the editor of the magazine Theatre (USA) and a member of several advisory boards in Budapest, Brussels, Stockholm and The Hague.
(sourced from the book Starting Over, Dragan Klaić, Clio, 2016, Belgrade)